What really differentiates a conscious mind from something or someone that is totally or partially not conscious of what is happening around his or her reality?
We think humans are conscious living organisms… Are plants conscious living organisms? What is the real difference after all?
At Metabolizm Records, we care about those questions and we try to find the answers. We maybe don’t have the perfect answer now, but we are on a quest to discover the possibilities.
With a melodic approach “Conscious Differential” will drive deeply into your dreams as RIGEL delivers his master piece “Like a Great Thought” before sweeping you into the depths and enchantment of “Shinigami”, both tracks capturing a unique essence, energy and depth with a quirky use of vox throughout that will encapsulate your mind and awaken your psychedelic experience.
Exclusive Release date: 20/03/2020
Global Release date: 20/03/2020
Tune in : avivmedia.com